Honoring the Past and Pioneering the Future, NPMA’s 90th Anniversary Celebrates Rich History and Unveils Visionary Insights
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- Honoring the Past and Pioneering the Future, NPMA’s 90th Anniversary Celebrates Rich History and Unveils Visionary Insights
As NPMA proudly commemorates its 90th anniversary, we reflect on a remarkable journey that has shaped the pest management industry and forged lasting relationships. Founded in 1933, NPMA has been at the forefront of advancements in pest control, fostering innovation and promoting professionalism. Over the decades, our dedicated members, comprised of pest management professionals, have played a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and protecting homes and businesses from unwanted intruders. We invite you to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion by exploring the treasured memories shared by our members as they recount their favorite experiences and cherished relationships formed through their involvement in NPMA.
I started in the industry in 1987 and had no idea that I’d still be in it 36 years later. I think what has been consistent over the last 36 years is, every summer I am the most popular guy in the neighborhood as all of my neighbors come to me with their pest control questions.
—Mark Froio, Anticimex
NPMA, like our industry, has had its challenges along the way, whether due to regulation or leadership changes, but today it, too, is strong and growing and continues to represent us, teach us, lead us and help us network.
—Todd Leyse, Adam’s Pest Control, Inc.
My first (kind of scary) opportunity to present a technical talk at a PestWorld national conference happened by coincidence. The meeting was in Atlanta, GA that year (possibly in the ‘90s) and the scheduled presenter of a talk on Delusory Parasitosis/Mystery Bites had something come up, so there was an immediate need for a replacement speaker. It just so happened that the topic was of great interest to me and a good friend, (the late) Don Resitar. We agreed to put our heads together and fill in, but we needed a PowerPoint presentation—FAST! Another well-respected and beloved industry speaker, (the late) Dr. Mark Lacey, was familiar with PowerPoint (a fairly new visual tool at the time), and he graciously helped Don and me create several slides for our joint presentation. I was nervous, but Don radiated calmness, and the two of us gave justice to the topic that day. What a fond memory!
—Gerald Wegner, PhD, BCE Emeritus, retired from Varment Guard Envir. Svcs.
Attending my first In the Mix reception and being invited to attend my first committee meeting. Little did I know, it would be what ignited growth in both my personal and professional life.
—Billy Olesen, A.C.E., Pest Stop Pest Management
The absolute love for the industry and comradeship of NPMA members helping other members, whether through the forum, events, etc. NPMA’s excellent representation of the industry on regulatory matters.
—Richard Christner, Whitmore Pest and Wildlife Control
For me, creating the PPMA was maybe one of the most important things that the NPMA has done over the years. The reason is that what the PPMA allowed the NPMA to do was to reach consumers in a way that we were not able to do previously. In doing so, we started to change people’s perceptions about our industry, the benefits and the importance of the people doing the work. I can vividly remember the very first meeting to discuss the PPMA in Kansas City where a number of key industry people congregated to make it happen. This was a huge milestone!
—Dan Carrothers, FMC Corporation
It was in 2009. It has been one of the most beautiful experiences. I have known friends for years. We have learned so many things and we have been able to update ourselves in techniques and equipment in our companies in Central America.
—Blanca Valencia, Trolex
Sharing the stage with Mike Katz of Western Exterminators at Good to Great and showing the picture of my grandfather who got his start in the pest control industry in the early 1930s at Western. Mike taught me that helping our competitors helps make our industry better and I am grateful to him for this lesson.
—Jamie Ogle, Lloyd Pest Control
Being selected for the inaugural class of the Executive Leadership Program. I met so many people because of the opportunity. These people became great mentors and friends.
—Jeff King, The Pest Rangers
NPMA’s Legislative Day has always been my favorite event and the one I feel is most influential and impactful! It was awesome to have participated with our intelligent and passionate industry members and meet with our country’s elected officials about key policies/initiatives regarding our profession. Of course, we were well-prepared to do so and speak competently to legislators because of the excellent NPMA staff—thank you!
—Deni D. Naumann, Copesan Services Inc. (now Rentokil-Terminix)
The changing ways we do pest control now.
—Ed Chamberlin, Chamberlin’s Pest Control
NPMA has played an integral role in my life. It all began when I attended a Summer conference in Williamsburg, VA as a young child. This marked my father’s initial participation in an NPMA event, and my sister and I had to ensure we were on our best behavior. Since then, NPMA has provided me with countless opportunities for growth and fulfillment. I have attended multiple Academies, ventured to unfamiliar destinations, and even received recognition in 2009 with the PWIPM. Additionally, I have served on the board, cultivating valuable connections nationwide. NPMA has acted as a catalyst for establishing meaningful connections and friendships nationwide—a supportive network comprised of individuals navigating similar challenges and celebrating shared triumphs. Undoubtedly, the value of these connections and experiences is immeasurable.
—Sarah Thomas-Clark, Thomas Pest Services
Our nation looked to pest control during the pandemic in a remarkable way to protect and defend their homes. People were scared for their health, and they trusted their local technicians to help keep them safe.
—Matthew Blanchard, Cedar Pest Software
NPMA has been an excellent organization for training and qualifying our companies (Wil-Kil and Holders) with food plant, QualityPro and QP Schools training/certifications. We incorporated QP training in our employee training and incentives programs. Professionally, it is a great place to network and grow. At conferences, there has been no better place for me to connect with vendors to discover new products for the industry. In committees, I have been able to learn and contribute to the betterment of the industry both through understanding regulations and impacting government legislation so that we can share a better/safer future for the environment and humanity.
—Alex Blahnik, Rentokil-Terminix
Academy! Academy! Academy! My first NPMA event approximately 15 years ago. The relationships that have been built just off of those events have lasted through the years. I know I can call amongst my colleagues/friends and ask for any professional advice and support. That event gave me the foundation for my personal and professional growth that I value and cherish today. Best memory: flash mob—winning the GOLD!!
—Marillian Missiti, Buono Pest Control Co., Inc.
There are so many memories that I can speak of. The one that sticks out the most to me is the first time the MANNRS student attended PestWorld. Their eyes lit up when they saw the magnitude of our industry and the potential for a career and a great life. This industry has given me and my family so much—to be able to share some of that with the future leaders is something I have to do.
—Joel Nolasco, Nuborn Pest Control
I have so many wonderful memories surrounding NPMA, and most all of them are all thanks to the amazing team they have to support our membership. The NPMA team puts on informative, enjoyable and motivating conferences and is completely engaged and you can tell (just like we do) they love what they do. That truly makes all the difference! We learn so much and we have fun, it doesn’t get any better than that! If I had to think of one memory in particular it would be the pride that I felt in 2014 of watching my father, Billy Tesh, become president of the association and deliver his address to the attendees of Pest World. We were in Orlando, Florida that year and it was so special. Now, to be able to follow in his footsteps and have my first term as a member of the Board of Directors this year, it shows me the importance of family business, this industry and the legacy that we all leave behind. On a lighter note, it is hard to forget a few of the Academy events. I will never forget trying to catch the greased pig and Justin McCauley just picking it up with one hand after I ran in circles in the Arizona desert heat for what felt like 15 minutes, OR the synchronized swimming event we had, when we all wore flower swim caps. The one thing that is consistent with all my memories is the sense of family we share and the laughter and love we have together and for one another. Thank you, NPMA, for 90 years!
—Julie Tesh-Clark, Pest Management Systems, Inc.
I come from a regional company, so all my training, experience and knowledge came through their eyes. Once I decided to start my own company over 33 years ago, I soon found the NPMA through my state association, and found I have only started to learn. The single biggest thing that the NPMA offered me was the vast diversified knowledge ideas, and information that the members had, and their willingness to share. Working for a regional company sheltered me. The NPMA offers everyone the ability to be the best they can be.
—William Hoffman, Hoffman’s Exterminating Co. Inc.