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Workforce Development Program
- Overview
- Leadership
- Supporters
- Resources
- SkillBridge Partnership
NPMA's Workforce Development Program raises public awareness of the great career opportunities in the pest control industry. With essential support from member companies, NPMA is engaged in strategies to increase awareness and create interest in pest control careers with job seekers, including specific targeting of veterans, students, older adults, women, and people from historically underrepresented groups.
NPMA is committed to supporting the future of the pest management industry through three key strategies:
- Increasing public awareness about industry careers and driving qualified applicants to PestControlJobs.com and Careers.PestControlJobs.com.
- Developing partnerships with established organizations that serve targeted audiences to widen our talent pipeline.
- Supporting NPMA members with their workforce development initiatives by providing recruitment and retention guides, training, and tools.
Workforce Development Steering Committee
Chris Gorecki
Rollins, Inc.
Atlanta, GA United States
Shay Runion
Arrow Exterminators
Atlanta, GA United States
Elizabeth Bicer
National Pest Management Association
Fairfax, VA United States
Adam Brashier
Modern Pest Control, Inc.
Katy, TX United States
Nate Tamialis, ACE
Anaheim, CA United States
Burns Blackwell
Terminix Company
Greensboro, NC United States
Mark Bretz
Rollins, Inc.
Atlanta, GA United States
Jeff Buhler
Massey Services, Inc.
Orlando, FL United States
Mike Bullert
Big Time Pest Control
Anderson, CA United States
Joe Campbell
ABC Home & Commercial Services of DFW
Lewisville, TX United States
Daniele Collinson
B.O.G. Pest Control
Edgewater, MD United States
Sara Cromwell
Abell Pest Control
Etobicoke, ON Canada
Amanda Forrestall
Plaistow, NH United States
Marshall Gaster
Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC
Greensboro, NC United States
Audrey Hall
Eco Serve Pest Services
Orchard Park, NY United States
Dawn Hammond
Certus Pest, Inc.
Tampa, FL United States
Andrea Hancock
Mattress Safe, Inc.
Cumming, GA United States
Susan Hare
Thrasher Termite & Pest Control of So Cal, Inc.
San Diego, CA United States
Trent Kucherka, BCE
Austin, TX United States
Patrick Lynch
Bell Labs, Inc.
Windsor, WI United States
Samantha Malone
Olympia Pest Management
Tumwater, WA United States
Jenifer McCauley
McCauley Services
Bryant, AR United States
Erin Richardson
All-American Pest Control, Inc.
Nashville, TN United States
Michael Rottler
Rottler Pest Solutions
St Louis, MO United States
William Tesh
Pest Management Systems, Inc.
Greensboro, NC United States
Ross Treleven
Sprague Pest Solutions
Tacoma, WA United States
Nancy Troyano, PhD, BCE
Rentokil Terminix
Wyomissing, PA United States
Gokhan Vergon
Cary, NC United States
Bill Welsh
Rose Pest Solutions
KALAMAZOO, MI United States
Your financial contribution supports public outreach strategies and partnerships designed to attract and retain talent in the industry through national outreach and hiring company education and resources.
ICON | Pest Control Company Support
Your support: $5,000 annually
Benefits include:
- Unlimited job postings
- Fee waived for participation in the NPMA SkillBridge Program
- "Featured Employer" listing on the job board
- Recognition at Industry Events
- Annual Careers in Action Employee Spotlight
- Customized collateral for career fairs
- Logo on Workforce newsletter
- High demand and competition for skilled trade talent.
- Showing careers in pest control are secure, satisfying and more than just killing bugs.
- High rates of pest control service technician turnover.
- Since 2021, over 18,000 people have applied for open positions.
- New partnerships with skilled trade, student-focused and military organizations driving qualified talent to the industry.
- Industry-wide commitment to retention practices.
ICON Contributors
- Abalon Exterminating
- ABC Home & Commercial Services of DFW
- ABC Home & Commercial Services of Austin
- Abell Pest Control Inc. (Canada)
- Adam's Pest Control
- All-American Pest Control, Inc.
- Arrow Exterminators
- ATCO Pest Control
- Certus Pest, Inc.
- Cook's Pest Control
- Edge Pest Control
- Lloyd Pest & Termite Control
- Massey Services
- McCauley Services
- Pest Management Systems, Inc.
- Plunkett’s Pest Control
- Rentokil NA
- Rollins, Inc.
- Rose Pest Solutions (IL)
- Rose Pest Solutions (MI)
- Rottler Pest and Lawn Solutions
- Sprague Pest Solutions
- Terminix International
- Terminix Service (SC)
- Terminix Triad (NC)
CHAMPION | Pest Control Company Support
Your Support: $2,500 annually
Benefits include:
- Fee waived for participation in the NPMA SkillBridge Program
- 10 complimentary job postings per year
- Recognition on PestControlJobs.com
- Special recognition at industry events
- Annual Careers in Action Spotlight on PestControlJobs.com
- Customized collateral for career fairs
- High demand and competition for skilled trade talent.
- Showing careers in pest control are secure, satisfying and more than just killing bugs.
- High rates of pest control service technician turnover.
- Since 2021, over 18,000 people have applied for open positions.
- New partnerships with skilled trade, student-focused and military organizations driving qualified talent to the industry.
- Industry-wide commitment to retention practices.
ADVOCATE | Pest Control Company Support
Your Support: $1,000 annually
Benefits include:
- Fee waived for participation in the NPMA SkillBridge Program
- 5 complimentary job postings per year
- Recognition on PestControlJobs.com
- Special recognition at industry events
- High demand and competition for skilled trade talent.
- Showing careers in pest control are secure, satisfying and more than just killing bugs.
- High rates of pest control service technician turnover.
- Since 2021, over 18,000 people have applied for open positions.
- New partnerships with skilled trade, student-focused and military organizations driving qualified talent to the industry.
- Industry-wide commitment to retention practices.
ADVOCATE Contributors
- Buono Pest Control Co., Inc.
- Clint Miller Exterminating Company
- Eco Serve Pest Services
- Modern Pest Control
- Pestex, Inc.
- Sherrill Pest Control
ALLY | Pest Control Company Support
Your Support: $2,500 annually
Benefits include:
- Fee waived for participation in the NPMA SkillBridge Program
- 2 complimentary job postings per year
- Recognition on PestControlJobs.com
- Special recognition at industry events
- High demand and competition for skilled trade talent.
- Showing careers in pest control are secure, satisfying and more than just killing bugs.
- High rates of pest control service technician turnover.
- Since 2021, over 18,000 people have applied for open positions.
- New partnerships with skilled trade, student-focused and military organizations driving qualified talent to the industry.
- Industry-wide commitment to retention practices.
Suppliers Club
Supplier Support: Help us ensure a successful future with your support!
Gold Suppliers
Your Support: $5,000 annually
Benefits include:
- Sponsor listing on www.NPMAWorkforce.org
- Logo and name recognition at industry events
- Complimentary job posting coupons to give to customers.
- Unlimited job postings on PestControlJobs.com
- Service on the Workforce Development Steering Committee.
- Fee waived for participation in the NPMA SkillBridge Program
Become a Gold Supplier Supporter
Silver Suppliers
Your Support: $1,000 annually
Benefits include:
- Sponsor page listing on www.NPMAWorkforce.org
- Name recognition at industry events
Presentation Template: Careers in Pest Control for High School
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Presentation Template: Young Children
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Accountant
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Branch Administrative Coordinator
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Branch Manager
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Commercial and Residential Sales
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Customer Service Representative
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Office Supervisor
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Pest Control Service Manager
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Sample Job Description: Pest Control Service Technician
This is a template that you can customize to your company and needs.
Connecting You to Active U.S. Military Talent to Fill Pest Control Service Technician Positions
NPMA is an Approved SkillBridge Program Provider through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness of the U.S. Department of Defense. Through this partnership, NPMA connects participating member companies to an exceptional workforce preparing for civilian employment through internships that are direct employment pathways. NPMA member companies provide active military service members with pest control service technician training while they are paid their military salary and benefits. Upon completion of the internship, an offer of employment not only benefits business, it provides financial stability to service members when they separate from the military.
View our participating NPMA member companies offering internship opportunities for SkillBridge participants.
Each year approximately 200,000 members of the U.S. Armed Forces, stationed in over 140 military installations in the U.S. and overseas, will leave active duty and re-enter the civilian work force or pursue higher education. Through the NPMA Military Program, NPMA members in the United States benefit from gaining early access to the extensive experience, skills, and dedication service members bring to the workforce by offering internships conducted at their company.
Benefits of Program Participation
- NPMA serves as your recruitment team, enhancing visibility through focused military outreach campaigns, partnerships, and referrals.
- NPMA supports you and your training team with resources to develop a ‘military ready’ company to hire and retain your military talent.
- NPMA manages and maintains the partnership with the DoD including reporting and communications.
Review our FAQs or contact the NPMA Workforce Development Team.
Eligibility & Participation Requirements
You or your company must be a current NPMA Member to participate.
How to Become a SkillBridge Internship Location
- You or a member of your team completes the free SHRM Foundation course “Veterans at Work”. After completion, send your certificate of completion to workforce@pestworld.org
- Sign and complete the SkillBridge Program Memorandum of Understanding and Company Profile.
- Pay the annual NPMA SkillBridge administrative fee $150 This fee is waived if your company is an NPMA Workforce Development Program Sponsor.
- Create or update your employer profile on PestControlJobs.com.
Your Commitment
- Provide 8-10 weeks of full-time on-the-job Pest Control Service Technician training to an approved SkillBridge service member participant.
- Offer SkillBridge service member participants employment or assist with employment transition to another NPMA member company.
What is SkillBridge?
SkillBridge is an opportunity for Service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through job training, employment skills training, apprenticeship, and internship opportunities during the last 180 days of military service prior to release from active duty. DOD SkillBridge connects service members with industry partners and real-world job experiences that are designed to aid the service member in finding meaningful and gainful employment after discharge.
Will NPMA add other internship positions to the program, like branch managers?
We will consider adding more roles to the program once the pest control service technician program is up and running. Having a broader offering will be a great way to show how diverse careers in the pest management industry are.
What are the requirements regarding employment post-completion of a DOD SkillBridge program?
DOD SkillBridge programs provide eligible service members with job training and career development opportunities to acquire employment skills, knowledge, and/or abilities to assist service members with job opportunities in the civilian sector. DOD SkillBridge industry partners' training programs must offer a high probability of post-service employment with the industry partner or other employers in a field related to the opportunity. However, DOD SkillBridge participants are not entitled to a job with the specific industry partner because of completing the DOD SkillBridge program.
Is the NPMA SkillBridge program partner responsible for a participating service member's medical care, disability, and workman's compensation if they are injured or die while participating in the SkillBridge program?
No. The service member remains employed by the Department of Defense. The service member's parent service will continue to be responsible for all pay and benefits for the member during their period of participation in the SkillBridge program.
Is there a cost paid by the service member to participate in this program?
No. The service member participates at no cost. They may not use their GI Bill or any other means of paying for any part of this program. Any fees are the sole responsibility of the NPMA SkillBridge Program company participant.
Does the unit/command remain responsible for the service member while they participate in a SkillBridge program?
Yes. The assigned unit/command retains responsibility of the service member while they participate in a SkillBridge program. In some instances, SkillBridge program managers may be able to assist units/commands in monitoring service members. However, program managers cannot replace or assume the administrative, ethical, or legal responsibilities of the service member's commander.
Can SkillBridge partners require a service member to sign non-compete agreements?
Service members should not sign a non-compete agreement to participate in a SkillBridge program. Any partner that asks or requires service members to sign a non-compete agreement may jeopardize their ability to participate as a SkillBridge partner.
Can the unit command authorize participation in a training program more than 50 miles from the member's duty station?
Yes. Commanders or installation-level SkillBridge points of contact can use the Contact Us page on this site to obtain details about service-specific guidance on travel.
How was the training plan and job description developed?
NPMA worked with a group of NPMA member subject matter experts to develop a universal job description and training plan that most, if not all, NPMA members could reasonably agree to and train from.
Does my company need to provide the training on topics within the exact amount of time listed on the training plan?
The Pest Control Service Technician training plan is an outline of everything an intern will learn during their internship. Participating companies in the NPMA SkillBridge Program must provide training to SkillBridge participants on the topic areas listed below. Unless noted, on-the-job training can be conducted in any order within 90 days of the program. The goal of the training is to educate the trainee to know/recall facts and advance to a level of does/performs as appropriate in accordance with your state licensure requirements. In other words, if there is a licensure requirement to perform a task, the trainee’s ability to understand a process and not perform it demonstrates proficiency in that task.
Are SkillBridge opportunities limited to the installation where a service member is assigned or are service members able to participate in opportunities other than where they are assigned?
Yes. Service members are authorized to participate at locations and installations other than where they are currently assigned. The service member is responsible for his or her own travel to and from their home installation including if recalled by a unit commander for duty, as well as final out-processing requirements. Each service and/or command may establish specific requirements.
Can service members receive gifts or travel benefits or similar perks while participating in SkillBridge?
As a rule, service members may not accept gifts, travel benefits (transportation, lodging, meals) or similar perks from a SkillBridge industry partner. However, they may be accepted if available to ALL participants (including members of the general public) from the SkillBridge partner.
Example 1:
A military service member participating in a SkillBridge internship with Company X while in a permissive TDY status. In addition to service members, the internship includes members of the public. If Company X offers to pay for the service member's airfare and lodging/meals while participating in the internship, the service member may accept the offer if it is also extended to the participating members of the public.
Example 2:
Near the end of the SkillBridge internship, the participating service member is invited to interview with Company X at its headquarters in another state. Company X HQ offers to pay for your interview travel expenses. However, members of the public who also participate in the internship are not provided travel expenses when invited to an interview. Because the interview travel expenses are not offered to all invitees, the service member may NOT accept the travel expenses from Company X to attend the interview at the HQ. Service members and their Chain of Command should discuss the unique circumstances of any gift/benefits offer with their servicing Legal Office before accepting them. See SkillBridge Program Participant Ethics Brief (.ppt) in Resources.
Do military installations make lodging space available in military barracks for those who want to participate in a SkillBridge opportunity that is outside of a member's geographic home base?
The services may make barracks or other similar lodging facilities available to service members participating in a SkillBridge opportunity without charge. Current guidance in DoDI 1322.29 provides that the "Military Departments will not spend DOD appropriations for JTEST-AI (SkillBridge) programs." This provision does not prohibit the services from making such lodging space available. Installation commanders may authorize otherwise unoccupied barracks, on a space available basis, without charge to any service members participating in SkillBridge opportunities while on permissive TDY outside of their geographic home area.
Can my company become a direct SkillBridge Partner?
Yes. Visit the SkillBridge website to review application requirements
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