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- Bed Bugs
PPMA Invites Pest Control Companies to Participate in Bed Bug Awareness Week This June
The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), which serves as the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is observing this week by educating the public through various media relations and social media tactics on, how to inspect for bed bugs when traveling, the signs of an infestation and the importance of working with a licensed pest control professional to treat an infestation.
Guidelines: Bed Bug Best Management Practices
To ensure industry professionals have the best possible guidance on controlling bed bugs effectively, responsibly, and safely, NPMA has created Best Management Practices for Bed Bugs (BMPs).
Research Report: Determining the Activation and Taxis of Bed Bugs in Response to CO2
Research Report: Screening of Field-collected Bed Bug Isolates for Resistance to Non-chemical Treatments: Are They Developing Heat Resistance
Research Report: Bed Bugs Exhibit Limited Ability to Develop Heat Resistance
Online Course: Bed Bug Basics
Bed bug biology and control techniques and various treatment methods currently available to PMPs. Price: $20/$40